How to add record in a child table?

Is there any way to add records in child table at a particular row number using custom script?
If yes, I really appreciate if anyone can let me know how to do it.

Ruchin Sharma

I think you will have to play with the idx field, the one that identifies the position in the table.

I don´t have access to my dev environment here but will try to make an example later :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your quick response, actually I know for this I have to play with idx field but don’t know how. I will wait for your example on the same.

Ruchin Sharma

Try with this snippet:

function add_child_position(doc,table_name,doctype,position){
    // item bigger than length
        var row = frappe.model.add_child(doc, doctype, table_name);
        return row;
    // item less than first
    else if(position < doc[table_name][0].idx){
        var row = frappe.model.add_child(doc, doctype, table_name);
        row.idx = position;
       return row;
    // item in the middle
        for(var curr_pos= position; curr_pos<doc[table_name].length; curr_pos++){
        var row = frappe.model.add_child(doc, doctype, table_name);
        row.idx = position;
        return row;

In Sales order you can call it like this:

 var item = add_child_position(cur_frm.doc, "items", "Item",2)
 //modify item
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Thanks for your response on the same, I will definitely try this code. I just have one query regarding this code, since the function is taking the parameters:

function add_child_position(doc,table_name,doctype,position){

and we are passing parameters as shown below:

add_child_position(cur_frm.doc, "items", "Item",2)

As per the parameters passed:
doc will be cur_frm.doc
table_name will be items
doctype will be Item
position will be 2

My only question is why doctype is Item here in this case?

Ruchin Sharma

This script in the end is calling the standard frappe.model.add_child(doc, doctype, table_name); in which the doctype is refering to the type of the child table

Thanks dear, thanks a lot and it worked for me like a charm.