I want to add the UOM field just after the item Code in the stock entry item table.
In the given image, the UOM field is not present.
How can I resolve, kindly help.
Go to the customization form and checked the “In List View” in UOM field and set the columns.
Hi, when I am trying to check the “in list view” option in customize form>stock entry doc type, an error occoured.
You have to go to Stock Entry Details, not going to Stock Entry because you want to get the UOM in table listview.
Thanks to resolve my problem…
Since it works based on columns, only 10 columns can be used in the table. In your image, each field is assigned to 2 columns, so all 10 columns are in use, which is why the basic rate is not showing. You can adjust the columns in the customization form and set them according to your needs.
Please read the complete documentation.
The basic rate field is already created and in list view is checked. Despite, it is not showing in the table.
Again check and read the complete document. If you read half the documentation, you won’t know anything. Every detail is mentioned in the documentation. so read carefully. It’s simple and easy to understand.