"message": "Batch Sample Restricted Area - LSSA"
I can find no corresponding frappe.client.set_single_value.
I did find frappe.client.set_value, but it requires an instance of a DocType to be specified.
I’m not aware of any RPC that does what you want, and the REST interface isn’t implemented for singletons. You could, of course, write your own set_single_value method and whitelist it (either in an app or via a custom server script). It’d be pretty simple to do, but I don’t think it’s there out of the box.
This may seem brutish, barbaric and pagan, but it gets the job done:
ssh erpnxt "mysql ${DB_Credentials} -e \"update tabSingles set value = 'Back Yard - LSSA' where doctype = 'Stock Settings' and field = 'default_warehouse'\"";
It’s a lower maintenance solution than a custom server script, imho.