How to apply filter on button click

hi team,
i have create one page in that page i have add button based on type supoose
i have type xyz and i cretae xyz button and in that button href link will be added of another page .when i clcik on xyz button then nex page open .in that page some filteration are used .based one button selection automatically apply filter on next page of button click

1 st click on xyz type
2 nd page type =xyz filters applied

how this one achecived in jinja beacuse i am using jinja timeplating to add the link of another page

You may need to pass parameters in the URL to make this happen

For this case you need to apply a method called frappe.set_route()
the below code might help you out of this:

frappe.ui.form.on('Custom Page', {
    'xyz_button': function(frm) {
        var type = 'xyz'; // get the type of button clicked
        var filters = {
            'doctype': 'Some Doctype',
            'filters': [
                ['Some Doctype', 'type', '=', type]
        var url = '/desk#List/' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters)); // construct the URL with the required filters
        frappe.set_route(url); // redirect to the

Thank you.

i pass the query paramter but not working

can we use this in jinja??
because i am giving next page link in jinja throgh href .

Yes, this approach might work.

Thank you.