How to Automatically Set Country Code

When the company is indian then i want to set the country code +91. is this possible to set the country code in the Mobile Number field .
Here Mobile Number field is a Phone field Type.

@PRaful_9898 check this Setting default value for Phone field in Frappe Version 14

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@PRaful_9898 Please try this code

frappe.ui.form("Customer", {
   refresh: function(frm){
       // your company logic which country your company 
       if (country == "India"){
          cur_frm.set_value("phone", "+91-");

Its worked .but when the user did not enter the mobile number then showing Error
Below is the screenshot

It’s a bigger issue if the country code is set as the default because then you must enter the mobile/phone number.

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You’re absolutely right. Thanks for pointing this out . :blush: :+1:

on is missing and also } closing bracket is missing. :wink:

but @PRaful_9898, you can use onload instead of refresh and don’t use the frm.set_value

Try the following code. I tested it and it worked for me, but I’m not sure about other scenarios. Please check it.

frappe.ui.form.on("Customer", {
   onload: function(frm) {
      if ( == "India") {
  = "+91-";
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My workaround is to revert the value in the before_save method

    before_save(frm) {
        if ( == '+91-') {
   = '';