I have been using ERPNext for nearly 3 years now. I did not have a single clue about coding or app development when i stumbled upon ERPNext as an open source alternative to most big name ERPs out there. In spite of the series of pitflalls openly expressed in here, i have enjoyed using ERPNext overall.
Through the years i have learnt, with the amazing support of community members, to deploy ERPNext and solve a few problems (I still have zero coding knowledge though as i am more of a hardware kind of techie )and i have deployed for a few small businesses at no cost as every deployment is another opportunity to learn more about the software. I now feel it’s time to contribute my 2 cents (literally
) to the Foundation even though i am not monetizing the little knowledge i have so far. Who knows where this journey will take me?
I have tried to sign up for foundation membership but i am not receiving any confirmation mail or next steps to becoming a member. So @rmehta i know you discourage direct tagging but I feel you’re best placed to help in this regard. I want to know the process for signing up for Foundation membership. Thanks.