Hello again,
Can someone help me here?!
How to calculate the number of actual working days in frappe hr /erpnext, in order to calculate the value of the amount of salary components that depend on pay days?
Hello again,
Can someone help me here?!
How to calculate the number of actual working days in frappe hr /erpnext, in order to calculate the value of the amount of salary components that depend on pay days?
You can do that, >> navigate to Payroll Settings Doc…
In section, Working Days and Hours >> Calculate Payroll Working Days Based On…
There, you can choose how working days are calculated in the salary slip:
Based on Leave: “This considers all approved leave applications during the pay period and subtracts them from the total calendar days.”
Based on Attendance: “This uses the employee’s attendance records to calculate the working days.”
• Additionally, you can choose whether to include holidays in the total working days count by checking the respective box.
• Also, remember to define The holiday list in the HR module …
I hope this helps you…
@MohamedAbdulsalam Thank you for your response,
This was really helpful…
and I still have a question that I hope you can assist me with…
Currently, I primarily utilize the system for calculating and processing salaries. However, I don’t rely on the system for attendance…
I was wondering if there is a way to manually define the number of working days for each employee when processing salaries.
It would be helpful if you could provide guidance on this matter. Thank you in advance for your support…
I think this will require some technical knowledge and coding skills…
You can leverage the timesheet or attendance doctype to access employee work data and calculate working days based on your specific criteria.
In general, it will be possible and simple…
Can you please help me, our salary cycle is from 26th to 25th (30 or 31days), but while generating salary slip it shows working days 22 and payable days 22 there is no total days count? if someone worked for 17days so it should reflect 17/30days So, total days should come automatically based on given date
(it may be the because Payroll Based On: Attendance
Consider Unmarked Attendance As: Absent
Consider Marked Attendance on Holidays: Disabled (it should be enabled)…
But, the working days should come automatically 30/31 (based on the mentioned date 26th to 25th) and then working days comes based on the Present/absent…how to handle it…if someone worked for 17days so it should reflect 17/30days So, total days should come automatically based on given date
@Myad Maybe because, when calculating “working days”, the system ignores holidays (which you have configured in Holidays).
you can choose whether to include holidays in the total working days count by checking the respective box. (In Payroll Settings)
I am also facing a problem regarding salary slip, i don’t want to see a few components of salary structure in salary slip but it’s still showing. I also tried options like do not include, disabled in salary component.
If you do not want to include components in the salary statement, select Statistical Component in the salary component.