How to change frappe hr logo in pwa(mobile app)

I want to change the HR logo in PWA

Screenshot from 2024-07-13 13-23-51

I went thorugh the code and got to know that an svg is being used as main logo

it was a SVG image so i changed the SVG code by keeping the same name ie., FrappeHRLogo
restarted the bench and still the previous logo is visible that means the logo has not changed
I inspected the code, the svg code for the image has not changed so what might be the issue
I know vuejs is used for Frappe HR frontend,
should i need to build the frontend again (npm run build) and then bench restart?

Hi @Vinay1:

Use bench build --force
Hope this helps.

use npm run build and then migrate site
I have changed my Frappe HR app logo and also change login page logo and lot of customization

Hi @Cruze08,

Kindly Can you send me the steps?

Thank you!

Can you send me the steps?




@Vinay1 how to install an HR frappe mobile app and its login ? can you please tell me? process

its a long process. We will do on gmeet

You can share video as well.

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@Cruze08 & @Cruze Can you provide steps on how to do it

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  • Download Existing Images
    Navigate to the sites/assets/hrms/manifest folder on the live site and download all the images from this folder.
  • Delete Images from Live Site
    Once all the images have been successfully downloaded, delete the existing images in the manifest folder on the live site.
  • Replace Images Locally
    On your local system, replace the downloaded images with your own HR app images. Ensure the file names remain the same as the original images to maintain compatibility.
  • Upload New Images
    After replacing the images, upload the updated set of images (with the same names) back to the manifest folder on the live site.

@Cruze08 can please tell a process how to install it on andorid and it nessary to site on or it work on another .

just replace it to your site name and use this url in browser
and its not necessary to site on
through this u can install app

@Cruze08 it gives me 404 error

is the HRMS installed on your site?

@Cruze08 Yes


version 14

@Cruze08 is there any site setting for that ?

the Frappe HR mobile app is supported in version 15 and onwards