How to change limit length label of field (>140)

how can i change the limit length label (default 140).

  • label length

Hi @meeeeeeeee:

Label is a data field on “Docfield” doctype. I think is not possible changing this.
To provide more detailed info to the user, use “Description” instead. It will shows this info under your field.

Other approach is using HTML field or even using jquery at form loading.
Hope this helps.

first, thanks for replying.
Regarding this problem, specifically I need a web form to submit results for a series of questions with yes or no answers.
I plan to create a doctype in which the labels are questions and a checkbox. if checkbox = 1 => yes else => no. but questions are usually larger than 140 characters so I can’t do it. The list of questions is fixed and does not need to be changed. Is there any way? Thanks

any solution to 140 character limit ?

i use description instead of label
or you can try change field type in database

sudo bench --site [site name] mariadb

Thanks! I will check this out