How to change the document status with the title field while saving the submitable doctype?

I created my custom doctype, I added a field with name Status/Select/status options (‘Acknowledge’, ‘Outsource’, ‘Result Entry’). But with the title the status is displayed (‘Draft’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Submitted’) instead of (‘Acknowledge’, ‘Outsource’, ‘Result Entry’). I attached the attachment. Please help me to resolve that problem. I tried to get the indicator method this is my custom code. But here I’m not going to submit those doctypes I just only save the document if each step is completed I manually change that status for each step if the final step is completed then only I do submit.

get_indicator: function (doc) {
if (doc.status===“Draft”) {

        return [__("Draft"), "green", "status,=,Draft"];
    }else if (doc.status === "Collection") {
        return [__("Collection"), "blue", "status,=,Collection"];
    }else if (doc.status === "Acknowledge") {
        return [__("Acknowledge"), "yellow", "status,=,Acknowledge"];
	}else if (doc.status === 'Result Entry') {
		return [__('Result Entry'), 'purple', 'status,=,Result Entry'];
	}else if (doc.status === 'Approved') {
		return [__('Approved'), 'yellow', 'status,=,Approved'];
	} else if (doc.status === 'Rejected') {
		return [__('Rejected'), 'red', 'status,=,Rejected'];
	} else if (doc.status === 'Completed') {
		return [__('Completed'), 'green', 'status,=,Completed'];
	} else if (doc.status === 'Cancelled') {
		return [__('Cancelled'), 'yellow', 'status,=,Cancelled'];

but this is not reflected in the list view it still shows a draft how do I fix this ?