hiii sir, we installed ubuntu 18.04 as virtual machine in server. and installed frappe framework an all . putty also installed.now we are trying to acess mariadb. can u explain me how to connect mariadb and access the tables???
cd frappe-bench
bench mariadb
mysql -u root -p -h localhost
the second command is more general, so you’ll have to choose your frappe database yet (`USE [frappe_db_name], while with the first command you are inside of the current frappe database automatically.
thank you sir, how to show the tables in maria db?
First open the mariaDB console with:
bench --site sitename mariadb
You may list the tables with:
| Tables_in_3ac8289bc6f4835e |
| __Auth |
| __UserSettings |
| __global_search |
| tabAbout Us Team Member |
| tabAcademic Term |
| tabAcademic Year |
| tabAccount |
| tabAccounting Period |
| tabActivity Cost |
| tabActivity Log |
| tabActivity Type |
| tabAdditional Salary |
| tabAddress |
| tabAddress Template |
| tabAgriculture Analysis Criteria |
| tabAgriculture Task |
| tabAllowed To Transact With |
| tabAntibiotic |
| tabAppointment Type |
| tabAppraisal |
| tabAppraisal Goal |
| tabAppraisal Template |
| tabAppraisal Template Goal |
| tabAssessment Criteria |
| tabAssessment Criteria Group |
| tabAssessment Group |
| tabAssessment Plan |
| tabAssessment Plan Criteria |
| tabAssessment Result |
| tabAssessment Result Detail |
| tabAsset
If we want to list all the item
in the Item DocType list:
SELECT * FROM tabItem;
We will get:
MariaDB [3ac8289bc6f4835e]> SELECT * FROM tabItem;
| name | creation | modified | modified_by | owner | docstatus | parent | parentfield | parenttype | idx | item_group | is_sales_item | ret
| 5712 | 2019-02-28 05:10:41.952123 | 2019-02-28 05:10:41.952123 | Administrator | Administrator | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | Consumable | 1 |
| 5713 | 2019-02-28 05:13:33.680472 | 2019-02-28 05:13:33.680472 | Administrator | Administrator | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | Consumable | 1 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)
thank you so much
If you expect to work frequently with DB install https://dbeaver.io/ on your host machine and connect to DB in VM.
There are additional few steps needed to enable remote access to mariadb. Inside your VM
- Open /etc/mysql/my.cnf with nano editor
nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf - Go to bind-address = beneath the # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
- Edit as bind-address =
- To save this file press Ctrl+o > Yes > Enter
- Restart mysql service
sudo service mysql restart - Sudo mysql -uroot -p
- Give db password
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .(give * before & after .) TO ‘root’@‘%’ identified by ‘frappe’;
- quit
Thank you so much