How to connect neo4j with frappe

i need to use neo4j for a particular project how to connect it

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I have discovered Virtual Doctypes but currently help me in this…

class RouteSurvey(Document):
def after_save(self):
doc = frappe.get_doc(“Route Survey”,

URI = “bolt://localhost:7687”
AUTH = (“neo4j”, “####”)

Initialize the driver once and reuse it

driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH)

def neo4j(doc):
with driver.session(database=“routesurvey”) as session:
result =
“CREATE (:ROUTESURVEYNAME {name: $name})”,
summary = result.consume()
print(f"Created {summary.counters.nodes_created} nodes in {summary.result_available_after} ms.")

giving correct db name and pass will create node in neo4j