How to connect to the local host where frappe docker is running
I want to connect from frappe docker to a service (Mail) which is running on my local host 127.0. 0.1 i saw in the docker file compose.yaml but i notice some other settings like UPSTREAM_REAL_IP_ADDRESS: configure as a local host
I need this to let the Nexterp mail service IMAP connect to my local host . the host where docker is running. I use Protonmail and they use a bridge with a localhost ip. on my host
I want to connect from frappe docker to a service (Mail) which runs on my local host i saw in the docker file compose.yaml but i notice some other settings like UPSTREAM_REAL_IP_ADDRESS: configure as a local host
I need this to let the Nexterp mailservice IMAP connect to my local host . the host where docker runs. I use Protonmail and they use a bridge with a localhost ip. on my host