How to correct a wrong PCV

On jan 10 216 I made some corrections for 2014 using the PCV…I messed up the dates…Transaction date is correct 31-dec-2013,Posting date and fiscal year are not…they are both entered as 2016 and as 10 jan 2016

running the ledger I see the correction is posted on 10 jan 2016…

How to correct this??? Guess just delete the PCV will not be enough…??? Make an voucher with the reverse transaction???

Must have misread…see below…But Transaction date is quite misleading,,

umairOct '14

Posting Date will be when this entry should be executed. If your Fiscal Year ends on 31st December, then that date should be selected as Posting Date in the Period Closing Voucher.

Transaction Date will be Period Closing Voucher’s creation date.

Closing Fiscal Year will be an year for which you are closing your financial statement.

Closing Account Head will be the ledger where difference on Income and Expense will be booked. Its mostly Reserve and Surplus Account, located under Liability group.

@umair can you reply?

Hello Robert,

Please create another Period Closing Voucher entry with correct details.

Hi @umair , thnx and delete the wrong one I guess…rgds robert

I followed your advice and created a new PCV for 2014 with all dates set correct…(made a duplicate and coorected dates)

The Ledger shows this

The profit /loss is nowhere booked against the account resultaat 2014…This confirmed by the Ledger

The new PCE004 does not show up here…

but has been created…

I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE PCE4…See the screenshots above…has been doing…

The wrong entry causing this headache cannot be deleted…

I assume that the only way to get rid of this wrong entry is to make a JV doing the opposite of this

Maybe there should be a way to correct/delet wrongly entered PCE …

Waiting you response, Robert

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Try cancelling the voucher PCE/002, PCE/003 and PCE/003. And the make a fresh Period Closing Voucher as on 31-12-2014.

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Thanks Nabin…will keep u posted…

Hi Nabin…
How brilliant your software is…
Yes all worked fine…
It would be good if Umair updates the documentation on Period Closing
indicating that a wrong PCE can just be cancelled…

Yesterday, a kind of stupid i tried to delete the PCE…

Thanks Robert