Hello everyone, I’m using ERPNext to construct a website. I’m almost finished with my website’s about, navbar, store, blog, and home pages. I want to make a login page for it now. I therefore want to know how to make a login page for it.
I need someone to help me with this.
Hello @Sumith-2004
Create new webpage in website and set route name login and connect that page with default login api.
Thank you sir, its worked.
I have just created a login page. However, I’m not sure it will be a solution. I’m just sharing what I’ve done.
Step 1: I created a webpage within a website. and named it login, and a route was automatically created for it.
Step 2: I used HTML as the content type, and I used chat gpt for HTML and JavaScript code.
Step 3: Save it and then click “see on website”. and now log in with it.
I think it may helpfull.
Note:- If you log out, you won’t be able to log back in using the old login page because it has been overridden.
Connect with default login rest api.
Yeah ok. I also had another doubt about CRM. I’ve already watched Mrs. Linet Sherin’s YouTube video and now understand what Lead, Opportunity, Customer, Appointment, etc. are, but I’m not completely clear because I still don’t know what I should do with them and how.
Like, I need a full explanation of from the beginning to the end of completing a project, such as using CRM. Can you explain that as well?
Sir, I readed it but still i don’t understand it. any step by step process of work based on CRM from starting to end of the project .