How to create a workflow with 4 steps

Hi there.

I want to create a workflow with 4 steps.
The first 3 step is only a workflow_status change with custom status text.
The workflow need to have 2 user.
The steps are the following:

  1. User create a DocType then save it > status need change to “Draft”
  2. User can add or edit the DocType then need to send it to next step > status need change to “Send to check”
    After this step user can’t change anything in the DocType
  3. Manager user need to edit or do modifications in the DocType > status need to change > “Under investigation”
    If some data are wrong they need to send back to step 2 and status need to change > “Reversed for edit”
    Now user can edit the reverted DocType then the process goes from step 2. To step 3. Again.
  4. When all data is fulfilled Manager user can Accept the DocType or Reject completely. In this case status need to change > “Deleted”
    If Manager user accepted then the status need to change > “Finished”

Please let me know how to create this workflow?

I have tried to create it myself but I cannot reopen a closed or rejected DocType again.
Is there any way to create this process easily?

Thanks a lot.

Have you created a workflow? then share it here. Check - Workflow

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Hi there,

I have created this workflow as the following picture.

Vázlat - Draft
Elküldve - Sent
Elutasítva - Rejected
Elfogadva - Approved
Törölt - Deleted