How to create connection link using client script


I want to create a Delivery Note using Client Script

	'doctype': 'Delivery Note',
	'customer': frm.doc.customer,
	'set_warehouse': frm.doc.set_warehouse,
	'selling_price_list': 'Standard Selling',
	'items': => {
			return {
				'item_code' : item.item_code,
				'item_name' : item.item_name,
				'rate' : item.rate,
}).then(doc => {
	frappe.show_alert("Delivery Note is created successfully")

but the above code creates a delivery note without being connected with the current sales order, the result is

and I want to connected with sales Order
as following

you can try adding this

'sales_order': frm.doc.sales_order,  // set the sales_order field to the name of the Sales Order

Or You can also use the set_value method to set the sales_order field after the Delivery Note document has been inserted, like this:

  // set the sales_order field of the newly inserted Delivery Note
  frappe.model.set_value(doc.doctype,, 'sales_order', frm.doc.sales_order);
  frappe.show_alert("Delivery Note is created successfully")
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Thanks you for helping, I try your way but is not working as I want,

in the last I find the solution is by using against_sales_orde that put it in (Delivery Note Items), must be set it in

'items': => {
		return {
			'item_code' : item.item_code,
			'item_name' : item.item_name,
			'rate' : item.rate,