How to create Custom Action in Link Field

I want to create a Custom Action in Link Field following Custom Action in Link Field this documentation. But where exactly write this code, I don’t understand. I already have this many ways in the doctype js file.

frappe.ui.form.ControlLink.link_options('test 2', {
	return [
            html: "<span class="text-primary link-option">"
                + "<i class="fa fa-search" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i> "
                + __("Custom Link Option")
                + "</span>",
            label: __("Custom Link Option"),
            value: "custom__link_option",
            action: () => {}

One more:

frappe.ui.form.ControlLink.link_options = function(link) {
    return [
            html: "<span class="text-primary link-option">"
                + "<i class="fa fa-search" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i> "
                + __("Custom Link Option")
                + "</span>",
            label: __("Custom Link Option"),
            value: "custom__link_option",
            action: () => {}

And many more ways I already try this. But I am not able to understand this coding process.
If any one know this process. Please help me.


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Hi @Samsul,

How to use it to check the video.


frappe.ui.form.ControlLink.link_options = function(link) {
    if (link.df.fieldname === "item_group") {
        return [
                html: "<span class='text-primary link-option'>"
                    + "<i class='fa fa-search' style='margin-right: 5px;'></i> "
                    + __("Custom Link Option")
                    + "</span>",
                label: __("Custom Link Option"),
                value: "custom__link_option",
                action: () => {
                    frappe.msgprint("Custom link option clicked!");

I hope this helps.
Thank You!


Add Your code on the Client Script docype with.

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Thanks, It work