How to create Operation and Workstation

I have tried to create BOM, and when select Operations, application shows message as “No permission to read Operation”. I have tried search Operations and Workstations, i couldn’t found in the application permission or in the doc type list. Please help me to resolve this issue

Version Details as follows:-

ERPNext: v8.x.x-beta (62e3e75) (develop)

Frappe Framework: v8.x.x-beta (eb9551f) (develop)

This should be in Role permissions

Thanks for the reply

I have checked permission, i couldn’t find Operation or Workstation in this area. Tried login as Administrator, but the same issue. Can you please provide some specific details?

They should be there.

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Thanks a lot Mr.Ben. Was looking on ‘User Permissions Manager’ instead of ‘Role Permissions Manager’

And found Manufacturing Module Permission role is not enabled by default. Enabled and assign to the User.

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Hi @Ben_Cornwell_Mott,

Your screenshots here just opened my eyes to this as do not really understand the difference. Please be kind to clarify the major difference between ROLE PERMISSION MANAGER and USER PERMISSION MANAGER. Will really appreciate your help. Thanks.

Role permission is set per role (one role may impact many users where the role is assigned) and per doctype… Whereas user permission is role addition setting which is set per user base and specific record…

E.g. User A is accounts user. If role permission is enabled for Sales Invoice doctype for Accounts Users role then User A is able to see Sales Invoice records… If then additional user permissio is set for user A for doctype customer with name: AAA then User A can only see Sales Invoice where the customer is AAA only


@jof2jc, I appreciate your explanation. Clear and concise. Thank you.