error came
Traceback with variables (most recent call last):
File “apps/frappe/frappe/core/doctype/scheduled_job_type/”, line 141, in execute
frappe.get_doc(“Server Script”, script_name).execute_scheduled_method()
self = <ScheduledJobType: leave_assign_by_hours_hourly>
script_name = ‘leave assign by hours’
File “apps/frappe/frappe/core/doctype/server_script/”, line 185, in execute_scheduled_method
self = <ServerScript: leave assign by hours>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/utils/”, line 111, in safe_exec
script = ‘employees = frappe.get_all(“Employee”, filters={“status”: “Active”})\n\nleave_type = “Casual Leave”\nleaves_per_month = 1\n\nfor employee in employees:\n start_date = frappe.utils.nowdate()\n end_date = frappe.utils.add_months(start_date, 1)\n\n leave_allocation = frappe.get_doc({\n “doctype”: “Leave Allocation”,\n “employee”:,\n “leave_type”: leave_type,\n “from_date”: start_date,\n “to_date”: end_date,\n “new_leaves_allocated”: leaves_per_month\n })\n\n leave_allocation.insert(ignore_permissions=True)\n frappe.db.commit()’
_globals = None
_locals = None
restrict_commit_rollback = False
script_filename = ‘leave assign by hours’
exec_globals = {‘json’: {‘loads’: <function loads at 0x7486924ec040>, ‘dumps’: <function dumps at 0x7486926d3240>}, ‘as_json’: <function as_json at 0x7486915be7a0>, ‘dict’: <class ‘dict’>, ‘log’: <function log at 0x74869170c540>, ‘_dict’: <class ‘frappe._dict’>, ‘args’: {}, ‘frappe’: {‘call’: <function call_whitelisted_function at 0x74868e11b2e0>, ‘flags’: {}, ‘format’: <function format_value at 0x7486915be980>, ‘format_value’: <function format_value at 0x7486915be980>, ‘date_format’: ‘dd-mm-yyyy’, ‘time_format’: ‘HH:mm:ss’, ‘format_date’: <function global_date_format at 0x7486916d13a0>, ‘form_dict’: {}, ‘bold’: <function bold at 0x7486915bf1a0>, ‘copy_doc’: <function copy_doc at 0x7486915be2a0>, ‘errprint’: <function errprint at 0x74869170c400>, ‘qb’: <class ‘frappe.query_builder.builder.MariaDB’>, ‘get_meta’: <function get_meta at 0x74869170e0c0>, ‘new_doc’: <function new_doc at 0x74869170d620>, ‘get_doc’: <function get_doc at 0x74869170dee0>, ‘get_mapped_doc’: <function get_mapped_doc at 0x74868e0…
filename = ‘: leave_assign_by_hours’
File “: leave_assign_by_hours”, line 19, in
json = {‘loads’: <function loads at 0x7486924ec040>, ‘dumps’: <function dumps at 0x7486926d3240>}
as_json = <function as_json at 0x7486915be7a0>
dict = <class ‘dict’>
log = <function log at 0x74869170c540>
_dict = <class ‘frappe._dict’>
args = {}
frappe = {‘call’: <function call_whitelisted_function at 0x74868e11b2e0>, ‘flags’: {}, ‘format’: <function format_value at 0x7486915be980>, ‘format_value’: <function format_value at 0x7486915be980>, ‘date_format’: ‘dd-mm-yyyy’, ‘time_format’: ‘HH:mm:ss’, ‘format_date’: <function global_date_format at 0x7486916d13a0>, ‘form_dict’: {}, ‘bold’: <function bold at 0x7486915bf1a0>, ‘copy_doc’: <function copy_doc at 0x7486915be2a0>, ‘errprint’: <function errprint at 0x74869170c400>, ‘qb’: <class ‘frappe.query_builder.builder.MariaDB’>, ‘get_meta’: <function get_meta at 0x74869170e0c0>, ‘new_doc’: <function new_doc at 0x74869170d620>, ‘get_doc’: <function get_doc at 0x74869170dee0>, ‘get_mapped_doc’: <function get_mapped_doc at 0x74868e0feb60>, ‘get_last_doc’: <function get_last_doc at 0x74869170df80>, ‘get_cached_doc’: <function get_cached_doc at 0x74869170d760>, ‘get_list’: <function get_list at 0x7486915be5c0>, ‘get_all’: <function get_all at 0x7486915be660>, ‘get_system_settings’: <function get_sys…
FrappeClient = <class ‘frappe.frappeclient.FrappeClient’>
style = {‘border_color’: ‘#d1d8dd’}
get_toc = <function get_toc at 0x74868eaf4ae0>
get_next_link = <function get_next_link at 0x74868eaf4b80>
_ = <function _ at 0x748692741e40>
scrub = <function scrub at 0x7486915bd300>
guess_mimetype = <function guess_type at 0x7486923936a0>
html2text = <function html2text at 0x74868ebe7740>
dev_server = 0
run_script = <function run_script at 0x74868e11b380>
is_job_queued = <function is_job_queued at 0x74868e11b1a0>
get_visible_columns = <function get_visible_columns at 0x74868e11a8e0>
builtins = {‘build_class’: , ‘None’: None, ‘False’: False, ‘True’: True, ‘abs’: , ‘bool’: <class ‘bool’>, ‘bytes’: <class ‘bytes’>, ‘callable’: , ‘chr’: , ‘complex’: <class ‘complex’>, ‘divmod’: , ‘float’: <class ‘float’>, ‘hash’: , ‘hex’: , ‘id’: , ‘int’: <class ‘int’>, ‘isinstance’: , ‘issubclass’: , ‘len’: , ‘oct’: , ‘ord’: , ‘pow’: , ‘range’: <class ‘range’>, ‘repr’: , ‘round’: , ‘slice’: <class ‘slice’>, ‘sorted’: , ‘str’: <class ‘str’>, ‘tuple’: <class ‘tuple’>, ‘zip’: <class ‘zip’>, ‘ArithmeticError’: <class ‘ArithmeticError’>, ‘AssertionError’: <class 'Assertion…
write = <function _write at 0x74868e11bc40>
getitem = <function _getitem at 0x74868e11b9c0>
getattr = <function _getattr_for_safe_exec at 0x74868e11ba60>
print = <class ‘frappe.utils.safe_exec.FrappePrintCollector’>
getiter =
iter_unpack_sequence = <function guarded_iter_unpack_sequence at 0x74868e1eccc0>
abs =
all =
any =
bool = <class ‘bool’>
enumerate = <class ‘enumerate’>
isinstance =
issubclass =
list = <class ‘list’>
max =
min =
range = <class ‘range’>
set = <class ‘set’>
sorted =
sum =
tuple = <class ‘tuple’>
employees = [{‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00084’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00006’}, {‘name’: ‘Razia Sulthana Syed’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00002’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00003’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00010’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00008’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00075’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00009’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00053’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00074’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00083’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00026’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00012’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00077’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00061’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00011’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00051’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00071’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00044’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00017’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00030’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00019’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00029’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00055’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00025’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00067’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00013’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00052’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00070’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00066’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00068’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00020’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00022’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00016’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00048’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00054’}, {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00035’}, {‘na…
leave_type = ‘Casual Leave’
leaves_per_month = 1
employee = {‘name’: ‘HR-EMP-00084’}
start_date = ‘2024-08-06’
end_date = ‘2024-09-06’
leave_allocation = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 291, in insert
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
ignore_permissions = True
ignore_links = None
ignore_if_duplicate = False
ignore_mandatory = None
set_name = None
set_child_names = True
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 1091, in run_before_save_methods
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 962, in run_method
out = Document.hook(fn)(self, *args, **kwargs)
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
method = ‘validate’
args = ()
kwargs = {}
fn = <function Document.run_method..fn at 0x74868deb0a40>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 1322, in composer
return composed(self, method, args, **kwargs)
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
args = ()
kwargs = {}
hooks = [<function apply at 0x74868dfc5bc0>, <function check_for_running_deletion_job at 0x74868dfc7880>]
method = ‘validate’
doc_events = {'’: {‘on_update’: [‘frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications’, ‘frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions’, ‘frappe.core.doctype.file.utils.attach_files_to_document’, ‘frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.apply’, ‘frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.update_due_date’, ‘frappe.core.doctype.user_type.user_type.apply_permissions_for_non_standard_user_type’], ‘after_rename’: [‘frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications’], ‘on_cancel’: [‘frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications’, ‘frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions’, ‘frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.apply’], ‘on_trash’: [‘frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications’, ‘frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions’], ‘on_update_after_submit’: ['frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_w…
handler = ‘erpnext.setup.doctype.transaction_deletion_record.transaction_deletion_record.check_for_running_deletion_job’
composed = <function Document.hook..compose..runner at 0x74868dd700e0>
compose = <function Document.hook..compose at 0x74868dd70040>
f = <function Document.run_method..fn at 0x74868deb0a40>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 1304, in runner
add_to_return_value(self, fn(self, *args, **kwargs))
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
method = ‘validate’
args = ()
kwargs = {}
add_to_return_value = <function Document.hook..add_to_return_value at 0x74868deb0b80>
fn = <function Document.run_method..fn at 0x74868deb0a40>
hooks = (<function apply at 0x74868dfc5bc0>, <function check_for_running_deletion_job at 0x74868dfc7880>)
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 959, in fn
return method_object(*args, **kwargs)
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
args = ()
kwargs = {}
method_object = <bound method LeaveAllocation.validate of <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>>
method = ‘validate’
File “apps/hrms/hrms/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/”, line 41, in validate
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
File “apps/hrms/hrms/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/”, line 206, in validate_allocation_overlap
self = <LeaveAllocation: HR-LAL-2024-00791>
leave_allocation = ((‘HR-LAL-2024-00783’,),)
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 645, in throw
msg = ‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’
exc = <class ‘’>
title = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
as_list = False
primary_action = None
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 610, in msgprint
msg = ‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’
title = None
raise_exception = <class ‘’>
as_table = False
as_list = False
indicator = ‘red’
alert = False
primary_action = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
realtime = False
sys = <module ‘sys’ (built-in)>
_raise_exception = <function msgprint.._raise_exception at 0x74868ddc6e80>
inspect = <module ‘inspect’ from ‘/usr/lib/python3.12/’>
out = {‘message’: ‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’, ‘title’: ‘Message’, ‘indicator’: ‘red’, ‘raise_exception’: 1, ‘__frappe_exc_id’: ‘0f0e6ae742533a8f6e4fc88843f35faccf6e2cecec9aa77b83eae925’}
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 561, in _raise_exception
raise exc
exc = OverlapError(‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’)
inspect = <module ‘inspect’ from ‘/usr/lib/python3.12/’>
msg = ‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’
out = {‘message’: ‘Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783’, ‘title’: ‘Message’, ‘indicator’: ‘red’, ‘raise_exception’: 1, ‘__frappe_exc_id’: ‘0f0e6ae742533a8f6e4fc88843f35faccf6e2cecec9aa77b83eae925’}
raise_exception = <class ‘’> Reference: HR-LAL-2024-00783