How to customise the ERPNext demo app?


I’m trying to customise the ERPNext demo.

For example, let’s say I want to change the words in “Start ERPNext demo”.
How is that possible? I know that this message is written in .apps/erpnext_demo/erpnext_demo/template/pages/start.html, but it does not change if I edit it.

Another example: the topbar text is in I changed it once and it kind of worked. But when I reloaded the page, it changed ot the original text. Then if I reload again, it changed to the modified text and it keep changing when I reload multiple times.

After that, I modified again, but this time when I reload the new text does not appear on the site.

PS: after all modifications, I always move to the sites folder and execute

bench frappe --clear_cache site_name
bench frappe -b site_name


Seems like you are trying to white-label ERPNext.

See #11

Thanks for alerting me, I hadn’t read this page before your post.

All the best.