How to Customize a Core Doctype?

How to Customize a Core Doctype ? Does anyone know ?please help
Screenshot from 2023-08-28 17-49-00

Hi @neha,

If you want to edit core doctype, then please enable the developer mode.

Developer Mode command:

bench --site [sitename] set-config developer_mode 1
bench --site [sitename] clear-cache
bench --site [sitename] clear-website-cache
bench --site [sitename] migrate

Then stop the bench and then again start the bench.

Then reload (Ctrl + Shift + R) and check it.

If you want to edit, change, or delete anything from the core doctype then please read the whole post. Then applying anything.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!


HI @NCP i want to customize User doctype.but it is a core doctype,
so it is possible?
just i want to add a child table it has a list of projects.

You can’t customize a user doc instead Use Edit Doctype option

@NCP @neha Can anyone explain me why we are unable to customize User doctype?
Is there any reason behind it?

You can customize the doctype with the “Edit DocType” option but you can’t customize the doctype using “Customize Form”…

@Kiranmai You can try one thing for adding fields in user Doctype.
→ Go to Custom Field Doctype.
→ Add a new entry in Custom Field where you need to fill field related properties like field type, field name and doctype and where you want to add in doctype (insert after).
→ After Saving the entry you can check in user doctype, it will be visible for you.

Hi @aashishvashisht6,

You can’t add the custom field in the below doctype.


@NCP it is possible to add directly in Custom Field Doctype in version-14 but for version-15 I am not sure Need to check.

Hi @aashishvashisht6,

Already tested. Please check it again in the latest version :wink:

@NCP My bad they have updated the version-14 but in earlier versions, it is allowed.