How to customize and make a different layout for a doctype form view (detail view) in the frappe?

You could try and create a new layout using the DocType Layout option.

It’s not great but does allow you to rearrange all the fields as needed. If you need to hide fields, it can’t be done there, you have to hide it in the original DocType, and that hidden status filters through to the new DocType layout.

There is a pull request by @shariquerik in Frappe for a form builder that looks great but it seems to have stalled.

Form Builder is now merged in develop branch (It will be in Frappe v15)



Is there an idea of when Frappe v15 will be released and when this feature is likely to make it to ERPNext?

Currently, we do not have any release date.

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Thx , can we change the position of standard fields of standard modules

Not yet but hopefully soon, there is another PR to allow standard fields to be moved

Hopefully it will be finished soon :smiley:

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