i want to store dialogue box details and use it to insert to other doctype on saving current doctype
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __("Online Portal Credentials"),
fields: [
{"fieldname":"url", "fieldtype":"Data", "label":__("URL"),
reqd: 1},
{"fieldname":"user_name", "fieldtype":"Data", "label":__("User Name"),
reqd: 1},
{"fieldname":"password", "fieldtype":"Password", "label":__("Password"),
reqd: 1},
{"fieldname":"client", "fieldtype":"Link","options":"Customer", "label":__("Client"),
"default":frm.doc.client,reqd: 1,hidden:1},
var values = d.get_values();
//this below frappe call should perform on saving of doctype and not here
method: "//path of the function",
args: values,
callback: function(r) {
//access variable values
method: "//path of the function",
args: values,
callback: function(r) {
basically i wan to access the variable 'values in before_save event
I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. I think you want to only apply the values from your dialog in before_save
for that you should define a global variable on the upper scope, top of your file and when running the primary_action
of your dialog assign the values to said global variable. Then you would have access to it in the before_save
@Javier_Lopez Yes this is what I asked. Can you give me an example to define global variable
Here is what I tried
frappe.ui.form.on(“Sales Order”, {
//Defining global variable
var values = 0;
before_save: function(frm){
// Function to perform before save
I can’t define as this. Tell me the right way
Well that’s JavaScript basics, you need to study some! But Here’s how I’ll do it., not a JS expert either.
- Using the global
object or a upper scope/global variable.
// Declare the variable in the top scope
// So you have access to it in the inner scopes
let myDialogValues;
let myDialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: 'Enter details',
fields: [
label: 'First Name',
fieldname: 'first_name',
fieldtype: 'Data'
label: 'Last Name',
fieldname: 'last_name',
fieldtype: 'Data'
label: 'Age',
fieldname: 'age',
fieldtype: 'Int'
primary_action_label: 'Submit',
primary_action(values) {
// Here you get the values from your dialog, don't execute the
// action, just assign it to a global variable
myDialogValues = values
// You can also add it to the window global object
window.myDialogValues = values
frappe.ui.form.on('Whatever', {
method: "//path of the function",
// Now here you can reference your saved values
// Both should work, but not exactly sure, test it.
// You should also process first to make sure values
// exist and not just call the method with no parameters.
args: myDialogValues,
args: window.myDialogValues,
callback: function(r) {
refresh(frm) {
// if reference_type and reference_name are set,
// add a custom button to go to the reference form
if (frm.doc.reference_type && frm.doc.reference_name) {
frm.add_custom_button(__(frm.doc.reference_name), () => {
frappe.set_route("Form", frm.doc.reference_type, frm.doc.reference_name);
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@Javier_Lopez Thank you so much.