Hello, after exploring frappe for a few weeks, I want to explore the customer portal/website. However, I struggled to find any resources/documentation/tutorial on how to develop the portal menus and pages, tried looking at erpnext code for the portal but I’m totally lost by looking at it since it’s an already very established and complex app.
Does anyone have some pointers on how to develop customer portal menus and pages? Simple stuff such as how to set up the routes properly and how to route & display a list view and a row view for a doctype through Portal will help a lot.
One of the things that attracted us to ERPnext originally was the ability for a self service customer portal. We gave up on it as we need to change simple things like columns shown and sort order. As you have noticed the documentation is not useful and based on limited to no response in forum it appears this feature is not getting used in the real world.
If you manage to customize the generated lists, please post.
Agreed, I posted several threads 5 months ago about Portal, and based on the responses (or no response), it seems clear that the Portal (especially for ERPNext) is no longer in development since a long time ago, and there seems to be no documentation on this feature afaik.
After 5 months of further learning and developing, it looks like developing Web Pages is the way to go. In my case, I chose to develop my own Web Pages on the Portal (basically start everything from scratch) instead of using the ones provided by ERPNext.
If you want to modify the ERPNext’s portal code, I’d suggest looking at their Web Pages files/directories (probably in directories called www or templates), as well as Web Pages documentation/tutorial (I know there are a few available). I think you will find the logic responsible for the generated lists quite easily, and you can start customizing from there
Thanks for suggestion. I spent a lot of time with the code with no success. The standard portal pages for Orders come from a ‘generator’ which I could not find where the parameters were stored.
I looked at web pages but could not figure out to use them for a grid style list of filtered doctype records.