How to Disable Add New Button from the connections of doctypes

Hi Frappe Developers ,
Can We Disable Add New Button from the connections

	$( ".transactions .document-link .icon-btn  " ).hide();

In the refresh event

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@Rohan_Kumbhar I think that you can achieve what you want by using the following code…

frappe.ui.form.on('Doctype Name', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
            .find('.btn-new').each(function(i, el) {

Best regards…


Thats great , its works for me


This method is also working for me , thank you very much

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Thank you Very much

@Rohan_Kumbhar I’m glad that I was able to help…

Please don’t forget to mark the post as the solution, for others to find what solved your issue…

Best regards…