How to disable https in Raven

hey everyone,

I’m new to frappe and I’ve been trying to use raven on AWS ec2 instance in production environment.
At the moment my server doesn’t have SSL certificate, so it runs on http but the raven calls are on https protocol.
How can I disable the https and use http instead?

Thank you

Hi @mohammad-ihraiz

It looks like frappe-react-sdk (the library that Raven uses) automatically uses SSL for connection. I see that you have created a GitHub issue for this. I’ll try fixing this today itself.


@mohammad-ihraiz I just pushed an update on the develop branch that should fix this. If you’re on the “main” branch, then we’ll also make a new release so that you can pull that.

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I would appreciate if you make a release.
Thank you so much man ^^

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