How to display the child table fields and save the data in web forms

I am not able to display the child table fields in the web form. I have two DocType

  1. check
  2. checkChild

DocType - checkChild: Is Child Table and Editable Grid options enabled. Tree Fields: Name,Email, Phonenumber

DocType - check: Two Fields: No, Details. Details type is table and options is checkChild.

I created the web form for the doctype check but checkchild fields are not displaying.

How to display the child table fields in grid and save the data. It working in doctype.

In your child table make sure that the field is in grid view

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Hi @ozner102 Thanks

I am using version 14. Grid View option is not showing. I enabled editabled grid when creating a doctype.

In doctype:
child Table Doctype

In Edit Field
doctype field

Hi @ozner102

I found the answer. Need to enable In List view option in List / Search Settings (Version 14).

Good to hear