How to download customized form field details and then later to upload the same in upgraded version

How to download customized form field details and then later to upload the same in upgraded version

You can do this using data import tool.

  1. export custom field using data import tool.
  2. import the same custom field in another server.

I will suggest you to make separate app for maintaining changes from developer server to production server

For doing same in upgraded version, no big issue if you are are on major same version v5.X or v6.X

No…My issue is, I have made modifications to Forms and I want to download these changes and upload it in any other or upgraded version.

I mean to say, I want to download modified/ Customized form format.

In customize form changes are saved in custom field and property setter.
You need to download custom field and property setter from Data Import Tool.
again you can upload this to another server.

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