How to edit welcome email

Dear communities:

Everytime I create a new user,the system will send a welcome email
(I have already done the email account set)
and now I want to revise the default content of the letter
what should I do?



you have two options

  1. Modify existing one

customize new_user.html for [quote=“1117, post:1, topic:23666”]
now I want to revise the default content of the letter

  1. Add you Custom checkbox hide default one and write a script for a send welcome mail on it.

     frappe.sendmail(, sender=sender, subject=subject,
     delayed=(not now) if now!=None else self.flags.delay_emails, retry=3)

pass your custom message or template here

thanks @Sangram
I will try the method you provided
but there’s a new problem

after I click the registration button then I enter the password
something error like this

what’s happening ?

Have you done any changes in existing code?
Please share it.

We didn’t change the code before
I think its problem about Chinese and English transformation
and I get a solution,thank you

But if we edit the built-in template, then there will be chances of conflicts during upgrade, right?