How to enable a user privilege

How to enable a user permission for

  1. Creating a new user but in role privileges there should be no system manager
  2. i want to disable Form customization to every user except admin but have the permissions for creatinng new users

You can set the Role Profile and set the role, and then when you create a user then select that Role Profile.

Already provided in your post.

Yes in my case
I am the admin but i will only create user A
after that user A is going to create all other users so he want to access Roles and permission but User A should not have the privilege for customize the doctypes

You can easily set using the Role Permission.

here the modules are not listing and the roles also not listing
i have created a new role and two permission i couldnt access Module Def doctype

how should i list both

I think you need to read the role permission document because you don’t have a basic understanding of how role permission works. So all these things practically you have to do. It is difficult to explain here.

Simple way: You have to create different types of roles and assign roles to the ones you want to give rights to. Don’t assign roles to everyone else.

okay which doctype is preventing customization

I told you earlier that only administrator or system manager can customize doctype.

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okay Done

I couldnt achieve that