How to enter Employee advance salary in journal entry

I’m using Erpnext and not hrms. I need to enter the employee advance salary via journal entry. When I create an employee advance salary account, in journal entry when I select this account, in party type employee is not showing. In party type doctype the account type of employee is payable. But when it comes to advance payment it’s a current asset and it’s under receivable. Anyone knows any workaround?

you will find the option to create a journal entry in the Employee Advance it self

Thanks for the reply, but this feature is only for HRMS module.

Which version of ERPNext are you using?

Version 15

I think when you approve an advance salary to an employee it becomes due, the accounting starts from recording the due.

i.e first you have to show that advance salary is payable, so set “Advance Salary” to payable which will display the party as employee.

Now give journal entry as Advance salary debit amount and give credit to the Cash(or any other payment method)

Next step is once the salary for that employee is due in the month end just credit the Advance Salary and debit the salary account.