I want to execute the following SQL query and load its result in Datatable.
SELECT `tabPurchase Receipt`.name, `tabPurchase Receipt`.supplier_name, `tabPurchase Receipt`.posting_date, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.item_name, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.received_qty, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.rejected_qty, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.warehouse, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.purchase_order, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.batch_no, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.coil_heat_no, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.quality_inspection, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.coil_qty, `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.coil_wt FROM `tabPurchase Receipt`, `tabPurchase Receipt Item` WHERE `tabPurchase Receipt Item`.parent = `tabPurchase Receipt`.name;
How to execute a Custom Query in Client Script?
Actually I want data from two MySQL tables tabPurchase Receipt
and tabPurchase Receipt Item
Yogi Yang
Hi @YogiYang,
Query does not work on the client/custom side.
It’s only worked on below of erpnext version 5.
For reference:
But you can use it via the custom method.
Maybe it helps you.
Thank You!