How to fetch data from master doctype in jinja?

I want to fetch the address and contact of the supplier here, how can I do that? I am using the Purchase Order to make this print format:

<div class="supplier">
    <p>{{ doc.supplier_name }}</p>
    <p>{{ supplier_address }}</p>
    <p>{{ supplier_contact }}</p>

@Hamza3351 U can try this code

Supplier Address
<p>{{doc.address_display }}</p>

Billing Address
<p>{{doc.billing_address_display }}</p>

Shipping Address
<p>{{doc.shipping_address_display }}</p>

Contact Details
<p>{{ doc.contact_display or ""}}</p>

Mobile No
<p>{{ doc.contact_mobile or "" }}</p>

<p>{{ doc.contact_email or "" }}</p>

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How do I get the contact no?

Mobile No
<p>{{ doc.contact_mobile or "" }}</p>

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It’s not working, Here you can see I have address and contact details filled but it doesn’t shows in the print format:

Nothing in the print format:


Supplier Address
<p>{{doc.address_display }}</p>

Contact Details
<p>{{ doc.contact_display}}</p>

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I have tried this but no good as you can see my previous reply…

@Hamza3351 as you see this is my test and it worked well ??!

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you can fetch with this


frappe.db.get_value("Contact", {"customer": doc.customer}, "mobile_no")

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I have tried this code but I can fetch the static data only:

<div class="supplier">
    {% set address = frappe.db.get_value('Address', '786 MALIK GOODS-Billing', ['address_line1']) %}
    {% set contact = frappe.db.get_value('Contact', '786 MALIK GOODS-786 MALIK GOODS', ['phone']) %}
    <p>{{ doc.supplier_name }}</p>
    <p>{{ address }}</p>
    <p>{{ contact }}</p>


Error in print format on line 27: (1054, “Unknown column ‘customer’ in ‘where clause’”)

You are using print builder, try it in a custom format if it works

Try this

<div class="supplier">
    {% set address = frappe.db.get_value("Address", {"address_title": doc.supplier}, "address_line1") %}
    <p>{{ doc.supplier_name }}</p>
    <p>{{ address }}</p>

I have tested

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This one works fine , thanks

If you want to fetch all mobile number from the table

you can fetch same like this

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do I fetch it like this:

{% set contact = frappe.db.get_value("Contact", {"contact_title": doc.supplier}, "phone") %}

In summary, this is how we can fetch both, we just need to find a link between the name of the field and the doctype which it is linked to:

<div class="supplier">
    {% set address = frappe.db.get_value("Address", {"address_title": doc.supplier_name}, "address_line1") %}
    {% set contact = frappe.db.get_value("Contact", {"first_name": doc.supplier_name}, "phone") %}
    <p>{{ doc.supplier_name }}</p>
    <p>{{ address }}</p>
    <p>{{ contact }}</p>
