Hi Developers,
I am new here…
I have a question regarding Packing slip… I have doing some customization for one of my client. Now I am stuck on this…
When I create delivery note and save it on draft status and then create packing slip with use of the delivery note it fetch all the details of the delivery note in packing slip which is ok… but now the problem is client wants me to show the item with multiple times in packing slip item table…
For example:
I have created a delivery note for :
Item A quantity 14
Item B quantity 45
when I create Packing slip it fetch both items with total quantity, but I want to show item A 14 times in packing slip item table because the quantity is 14 and item B for 45 times because quantity is 45 …
What should I do , so the items fetch automatically with multiple times depending upon the the quantity…
Please help me in this issue… Thanks for the help in advance