How to fix this error after creating new attendance of student?

After creating new attendace of student then the following error occurs…

after going to course schedule and hide this field then also error comes.or while read only this field then also it give an error

By default, Course Schedule isn’t mandatory. Is it set to mandatory in Customize Form?

yes i will set it mandatory…
but it is only read only field there is no option to insert data in that …and while i remove the read only it aslo gives an error…

if it is set to be mandatory then hiding or making it read only won’t help. Remove the mandatory condition

while removing mandatory its give an error.
or also removing its type it also give an error …

plz tell me the solution of this how i fix this issue?

When i try to hidden this filed it also gives an error. FILED TYPE CAN NOT BE CHANGE FROM READ ONLY …
When i try to remove mandatory filed it also gives an error. NOT ALLOWED TO DISABLE MANDATORY FOR STANDARD FIELDS…
When i try to remove read only it also give an error … YOU CANNOT UNSET READ ONLY FOR FILED COURSE…

So what is the solution to solve to fix this issue…

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