How to freeze dialog box

How to freeze dialog box

Apply ice on it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, this is a morning joke here …

can you provide a little bit of information about what do you want exactly?


In dialog box custom button i am getting face recognition , they take some time to comparing the face when they start comparing i want to freeze the dialog box for that process

Trying Still Not Freeze :rofl: :rofl:

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Hi @rk1214,

freeze dialog for refrence, please check it.

Thank You!

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They freeze doctype not dialog box.

Ok @rk1214,

please apply and check it.

Demo Dialog:

let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: 'Enter details',
fields: [
        label: 'First Name',
        fieldname: 'first_name',
        fieldtype: 'Data'
        label: 'Last Name',
        fieldname: 'last_name',
        fieldtype: 'Data'
        label: 'Age',
        fieldname: 'age',
        fieldtype: 'Int'
primary_action_label: 'Submit',
primary_action(values) {
    // Please check in console.

Reload and check it, please.

Thank You!

I am create custom button field in dialog box and i want to freeze dialog box on that button click.

Please check it.

frappe.ui.form.on("Your DocType", "refresh", function(frm) {
    frm.add_custom_button(__("Custom Button"), function() {
        // When this button is clicked, do this
        // set your function or value according to.
		let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
        title: 'Enter details',
        fields: [
                label: 'First Name',
                fieldname: 'first_name',
                fieldtype: 'Data'
                label: 'Last Name',
                fieldname: 'last_name',
                fieldtype: 'Data'
                label: 'Age',
                fieldname: 'age',
                fieldtype: 'Int'
        primary_action_label: 'Submit',
        primary_action(values) {
            // Please check in console.

More details for:

Thank You!

I want to freeze dialog box on click of image button

Please above script set then check.

It’s working on our side.
So again check it.


if you want to freeze your screen
frappe.dom.freeze("<freeze message>")


Thank you so much.