How to get a current user in Quick list filter?

hardcoded value is give the filter results, but i want to return the results based on the current logged in users. How to do that?

This filter is not working.

Not possible to filter out the session user.

You can set it as a statically.

I want to filter the tasks based on the each user. Here, cant add a static value. Is there any option to achieve this in any other way?

No @yabesh_sam

Use custom html block I instead.

Already tried a custom html using Frappe Rest API, child table fields are not coming that response, also achieving search with custom filters and pagination will lead to lot of work.

share the code structure, if anybody helps.

function fetchTasks(token, searchQuery = '') {
    console.log("searched", searchQuery);

  let url = `["*"]`;

  if (searchQuery) {
      console.log(searchQuery, "searchquery is there");
    url += `&filters=${encodeURIComponent(searchQuery)}`;
  return fetch(url, {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      console.log('Failed to fetch tasks');
    return response.json();

Here, I have’nt get the child table objects, that are declared by field types - Table, TableMultiSelect…other fields are coming in the response.