How to get 'site_config.json' settings in Python code?

I have a custom script that needs to know the endpoint address of a remote API.

I neither want to hard code it into the script itself, nor have to read it from a file.

Is site_config.json the correct place to put such things?

How does my Python code get at it, once I put it there?

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Hah! Got it!

I simply did …

cd ${HOME}/frappe-bench;
grep -r encryption_key

… and found what I wanted in apps/frappe/frappe/utils/


It doesn’t answer whether there is a preferred place to put such things though.


Thanks for sharing - these two may help piece together the picture too

frappe@ubuntu1804lts:~/frappe-bench$ bench console

In [1]: frappe.local.conf
{'auto_update': False,
 'background_workers': 1,
 'dns_multitenant': True,
 'file_watcher_port': 6787,
 'frappe_user': 'frappe',
 'gunicorn_workers': 2,
 'maintenance_mode': 1,
 'pause_scheduler': 1,
 'rebase_on_pull': False,
 'redis_cache': 'redis://localhost:13000',
 'redis_queue': 'redis://localhost:11000',
 'redis_socketio': 'redis://localhost:12000',
 'restart_supervisor_on_update': True,
 'restart_systemd_on_update': False,
 'serve_default_site': True,
 'shallow_clone': True,
 'socketio_port': 9000,
 'update_bench_on_update': True,
 'webserver_port': 8000,
 'db_name': '_1bd3e0294da19198',
 'db_password': '8FKA3Sb0V2bFNjKy',
 'db_type': 'mariadb',
 'host_name': 'http://site1.local'}
frappe@ubuntu1804lts:~/frappe-bench$ bench show-config
	Config                                             Value          
	auto_update                                        0              
	background_workers                                 1              
	dns_multitenant                                    1              
	file_watcher_port                                  6787           
	frappe_user                                        frappe         
	gunicorn_workers                                   2              
	maintenance_mode                                   1              
	pause_scheduler                                    1              
	rebase_on_pull                                     0              
	redis_cache                                        redis://localhost:13000
	redis_queue                                        redis://localhost:11000
	redis_socketio                                     redis://localhost:12000
	restart_supervisor_on_update                       1              
	restart_systemd_on_update                          0              
	serve_default_site                                 1              
	shallow_clone                                      1              
	socketio_port                                      9000           
	update_bench_on_update                             1              
	webserver_port                                     8000           
	db_name                                            _1bd3e0294da19198
	db_password                                        8FKA3Sb0V2bFNjKy
	db_type                                            mariadb        
	host_name                                          http://site1.local

Oh cool!

Yeah, that is useful!

(btw. These posts where I ask a question and immediately answer it are … notes to my self? I figure if I can’t immediately Google the answer I need, I’m likely not the first, or the last. So, it might save someone else some time)

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Yes exactly, keep them here as a reminder refresher to yourself :slight_smile: