How to Get Total Salary before create salary slip ,During a period

Hi All

I Want to get Total salary before create salary slip ,During a period
To calculate salary in a period, (leave application, from date - to date / including date of additional salary )
The reason why I need that is, I defined a leave type and a duration of 120 days, as the first thirty days are not deducted from the salary, the second thirty days are deducted from the salary by 50%, and the other sixty days are all deducted from the salary.
I take advice .
Thank you.

anyone ?

@Yousuf Sorry bro for the late reply…

Can you post a screenshot of the fields of all related doctypes so I can better understand the data flow?

And do you want to do that using JavaScript or Python?

Bro Ameen
Thanks for the response

I Want to get total salary depend on (salary structure , salary structure assignment to get (base amount), additional salary ( from salary component )

salary structure :

Additional salary:

ex. amount = 1500

total salary = (base + earning (housing allowance = 1500 )) - deduction (5000+1500)*0.975
total salary = (5000 +1500) -633.75

I want to call up the total salary, based on the leave application date
As you know my brother, the total salary is variable during a certain period.
I create the formula that I needed, according to the above, I only need to retrieve total salary
The available method is to create a salary slip to collect the total salary(net pay) from it, which is illogical

@Yousuf Ok bro, let’s plan the data flow…

Here is what I thought of…

  1. You provide the employee id and date (range or exact) or the code get these values from anywhere
  2. Get the Salary Structure and Base salary by searching the Salary Structure Assignment doctype for a matching employee and date (range or exact) and get only the first row found
  3. Get the list of earnings and deductions for the Salary Structure doctype
  4. Calculate the total salary

Now let me ask you some questions…

  • Are the steps listed above correct?

  • Both the earnings and deductions have amount & default amount fields. Which one will be holding the exact amount for calculation if it’s a fixed amount?

  • For the Additional Salary, can you tell me how does it fit in the salary calculation? Because in your example it wasn’t mentioned at all.

Best regards

Bro @kid1194

  • for the Additional Salary It is handled in two ways:
    1- If it is not Recurring(the date(Payroll Date) of the movement is entered to be calculated in the salary period and for one time only)

2- If it is Recurring the period is considered to be calculated in the salary period, when creating a Salary Slip.


@Yousuf Ok bro…

Do you want the code to be executed on a specific doctype or when a specific column is clicked or you want it to be part of a report?

For now, I have created a JavaScript code that will do the salary calculation but if you want it to be part of a report then the calculation must be done using Python…

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Bro @kid1194
I Want To calculation using Python

@Yousuf I have created the Python code for you…

I hope that it works without any problem…

import datetime

import frappe
from frappe import _, _dict
from frappe.utils import cint, flt, getdate
from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
from pypika.terms import Criterion

def get_employee_salary(employee, company, from_date, to_date):
        data = frappe.get_all(
            "Salary Structure Assignment",
            fields=["salary_structure", "base"],
                "employee": employee,
                "company": company,
                "from_date": ["in", [from_date, to_date]]
        data = data.pop(0) if data and isinstance(data, list) else None
        if not data:
            frappe.throw(_("Unable to find the employee in Salary Structure Assignment doctype."))
        details = frappe.get_all(
            "Salary Detail",
                "parentfield", "salary_component", "default_amount", "abbr", "amount",
                "additional_salary", "condition", "formula", "amount_based_on_formula"
                "parent": data["salary_structure"],
                "parenttype": "Salary Structure",
                "parentfield": ["in", ["earnings", "deductions"]]
        if not details or not isinstance(details, list):
            frappe.throw(_("Unable to get the salary details of the employee's Salary Structure entry."))
        additional_salary = [row["additional_salary"] for row in details if row["additional_salary"]]
        additionals = get_additional_salary(additional_salary, employee, company, from_date, to_date)
        whitelisted_globals = {
			"int": int,
			"float": float,
			"long": int,
			"round": round,
			"getdate": getdate,
        local_data = {"base": data["base"]}
        earnings = 0
        deductions = 0
        for row in details:
            total = None
            if row["additional_salary"]:
                if row["additional_salary"] in additionals:
                    additional = additionals.get(row["additional_salary"])
                    if row["salary_component"] == additional["salary_component"]:
                        if additional["amount"] and cint(additional["overwrite_salary_structure_amount"]):
                            total = additional["amount"]
            if not total:
                total = eval_condition_and_formula(_dict(row), local_data, whitelisted_globals)
            if not total:
            total = flt(total)
            if row["abbr"]:
                local_data[row["abbr"]] = total
            if row["parentfield"] == "earnings":
                earnings += total
                deductions += total
        return flt(earnings - deductions)
    except Exception as exc:
        frappe.throw(_("Unable to calculate the employee's total salary."))

def get_additional_salary(names, employee, company, from_date, to_date):
    doc = frappe.qb.DocType("Additional Salary")
    data = (
        .where(doc.employee == employee)
        .where( == company)
                    doc.is_recurring == 0,
                    doc.payroll_date.between(from_date, to_date)
                    doc.is_recurring == 1,
    if not data or not isinstance(data, list):
        return {}
    return {row["name"]:row for row in data}

def eval_condition_and_formula(row, data, whitelisted_globals):
		condition = row.condition.strip().replace("\n", " ") if row.condition else None
		if condition:
			if not frappe.safe_eval(condition, whitelisted_globals, data):
				return None
		amount = row.amount
		if row.amount_based_on_formula:
			formula = row.formula.strip().replace("\n", " ") if row.formula else None
			if formula:
				amount = flt(frappe.safe_eval(formula, whitelisted_globals, data), get_precision("amount"))
		return amount

	except NameError as err:
			_("{0} <br> This error can be due to missing or deleted field.").format(err),
			title=_("Name error"),
	except SyntaxError as err:
		frappe.throw(_("Syntax error in formula or condition: {0}").format(err))
	except Exception as e:
		frappe.throw(_("Error in formula or condition: {0}").format(e))

def get_precision(fieldname):
	df = frappe.get_meta("Salary Detail").get_field(fieldname)
    if df.fieldtype in ("Currency", "Float", "Percent"):
		return get_field_precision(df)
	return None

Bro Ameen I can’t thank you enough
Thank you very much

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@Yousuf I’m very glad that I was helpful for you…