How to give read only permission for user in sales invoice category:

I gave Read only option in Role Permission Manager.But it still not visible the sales invoice doctype to the particular user…

@Pradeep_M Give more details and probably screenshots

…Corporate sales user can’t read sales invoice doctype…


@Pradeep_M open the user , go to his roles and click this one . let’s see what he got

I Go with the user.And I try to open sales invoice Doctype…and it shows user does not have access to this document…@bahaou

@Pradeep_M no no , stay with admin . go to user list and open that user . you can verify his permissions there .

In User Permission list what permission should i give for the user???@bahaou

@Pradeep_M pelase share the screen of the user permission with that role . we are just verifying here to analyse what the problem is .

@bahaouFor that corporate sales user we gave a roles such as sales user and sales manager…we did not give any permission to that user…That’s why I’m asking what Permission should be given for that Corporate sales user???..

@Pradeep_M the user should have the role “corporate sales user” , that’s a role you created , give it to the user.

@bahaou yes…