We are trying to make customer name as a unique field. But, giving message that it has already duplicate values. Is there any simple way to find our duplicate values, so that the same can be rectified.
Any plan for De-duplication feature?
We are trying to make customer name as a unique field. But, giving message that it has already duplicate values. Is there any simple way to find our duplicate values, so that the same can be rectified.
Any plan for De-duplication feature?
Not for now. Please check through Customer Report and search manually to locate duplicate Customer ID. Github Issue for this feature will be helpful.
As per reply received from @rmehta in Github issue, we need to do it through renaming tool. I tried doing but could not understand completely. Do we have any write-up/explanation on the same?
@Deven_Shah you can use sql query to find duplicate customer_name
select name, count(customer_name)
from `tabCustomer`
GROUP BY customer_name
HAVING (count(customer_name)>1);
Type bench mysql
on command prompt and then execute above query.
Thank you sambhaji.
I think what you have suggested is the solution for own server, right? I am
on the subscribed version. please advise.
Thanking you,
With Regards,
Deven Shah
Safeworld Systems Pvt Ltd
M - 09825060116