In my parent doc(Finished Goods) hava a select field with three options “Poly”, “Folding” and “Carton” and in Child doc(Finished Goods Child) have three fields “carton_no”, “size”, “quantity”.
I want if parent doctype field select Poly or Folding then hide “carton_no” field/div in “Finished Goods Child” doc.
I am new to ERPNext, so please forgive me if my answer is wrong / not exactly what you need.
I would try to edit the carton_no field’s properties like in the picture below:
dear i am using this code to hide rate field depending on update stock but when i write this code in depend on field it completely disappear the rate field in the form but in list view it works fine.
Please help me on this and can anyone let me know to to write same code depending on item code
Suppose to be, I have 2-items x and y. For item-x the uom(Must be Whole Number) is checked, so we should show custom_field in child table. For item-y the uom(Must be Whole Number) is unchecked, so we should hide custom_field in child table.