I have custom doctype which has one field which owner, i want hide that documents from other than administrator and owner of that document,
So how to hide document in listview based on custom condition, anyone have example script ?
I have custom doctype which has one field which owner, i want hide that documents from other than administrator and owner of that document,
So how to hide document in listview based on custom condition, anyone have example script ?
Hi @nilpatel42:
Adding to @Jeel answer … Server script permission query just works for listview. Note that users can access to the document directly using url
As a trick … use client script for “reject” directly access.
Something like this:
frappe.ui.form.on('Task', {
refresh(frm) {
user = frappe.session.user
if ( user != "Administrator" || user = doc.owner) {
console.log("Get out!")
frappe.set_route() // send to Venus
Best solution, anyway, is using hooks to intercept permission mechanism. Read this:
[Hooks ]
Hope this helps.
Child table field (authorized_users_list) which child table have one field “user”, Which have permission to view documents
It’s Working
user = frappe.session.user
if user != 'Administrator':
conditions_list = []
sault_docs = frappe.get_all('Sault', fields=['name'])
for doc in sault_docs:
sault_doc = frappe.get_doc('Sault', doc.name)
owner = sault_doc.owner
authorized_users = [entry.user for entry in sault_doc.get('authorized_users_list', [])]
if user == owner or user in authorized_users:
conditions_list.append(f"name = '{doc.name}'")
if not conditions_list:
conditions = "1=2"
conditions = ' OR '.join(conditions_list)
conditions = ""
and for Client Script
frappe.ui.form.on('Sault', {
refresh(frm) {
const user = frappe.session.user;
const isAuthorizedUser = frm.doc.authorized_users_list && frm.doc.authorized_users_list.some(userEntry => userEntry.user === user);
if (user !== "Administrator" && user !== frm.doc.owner && !isAuthorizedUser) {
frappe.set_route('List', 'Sault');