How To hide insert above and insert below button from pop-up grid

I just want to hide insert below and insert above button from pop-up grid.
i tried using this:

But i want other option.
Please help me with your valuable suggestion.

Hi @vivek22793
Are you able to hide Insert Below and Insert Above buttons in child table?
If you have done, can you tell me the process to implement?

Thanks, && Regards,

You have to make that field read only. and whatever insertion you want to do that has to be done using scripts.


@vivek22793 Please share me the code.

This task can be done using edit doctype
make your table field read only.
That’s It.

Thanks for your response @vivek22793
But it’s not working.

Hello @Sunil_Govind, try this,

document.getElementsByClassName(“btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right grid-insert-row-below”)[0].style.display=‘None’; // to hide insert below button

document.getElementsByClassName(“btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right grid-insert-row”)[0].style.display=‘None’; // to hide insert above button

It is late but may help someone. Please try following code to remove add row and delete row button inside of child table:
[child_table_name]_on_form_rendered:function(frm, cdt, cdn){

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Thank you for your kindness.

This helped me :slight_smile:


This may help you