How to hide Name column in newly added DocType from List view?


I have created a new doc type called Zone Master. It has only one field which is names as Zone Name.

When I open this doc type and make entry in it the data that is shown in Zone Master List view contains a column called name which contains some gibberish value.

I want to hide this field in List view page. How can I hide this field or replace it with something which is human readable.


Yogi Yang

In a custom doctype, under view settings there’s a field called “Title”. There, you can choose which field you want to act as your primary display identifier.

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Hi @YogiYang,

Adding @peterg answer, hide for untick In List View option in doctype form.

Thank You!

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@peterg and @NCP,

Thanks you for your quick reply. I managed to solve my primary concern.

Only I am not able to hide this name column in List page.

I want to use the data entered by user in the DocType in customer master. There when user selects a zone what will show up the fiels Zone Name or Name?


Yogi Yang

Did you see the checkbox beneath the title field?


In my case this is what is coming. There is no check box under the Title Field.

ERPNext: v13.19.0 (HEAD)

Frappe Framework: v13.19.0 (HEAD)


Yogi Yang

Ah, that must be a new feature in v14. I can’t recall how to do it in v13 offhand, unfortunately.

If Zone Name is unique, set it in the Auto Name field in the doctype. That way will be equals to zone_name, and not a hash id.

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Is v14 production ready or beta?

Still beta

I found a solution!

I added a field labeled Series and of type Select and set the Option to ZN-, Set Only Once and No Copy.

After this the gibberish text got removed for all new records.

Thanks everyone for your support.


Yogi Yang