How to hide options in form view

Hi Everyone,
Is there any way to remove or hide these options ? mentioned in the image.
User is able to see these options in a purchase invoice, we dont want these, how can i achieve that ?
Script or something else ?
Doctype → Purchase invoice

Thank You

Hi @rs115199789:

Pretty simple, check docs :wink:

Hope this helps.

1 Like

Hi @avc

I tried this -

  frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        frm.remove_button('Get Items From');
    }, 10);


How can i get the button name ?

Thank You

Check this:

frm.remove_custom_button('Close', 'Status');    

Where Status is the button and Close is the action. Do it for each action inside button, and button should dissapear.

Hope this helps.

Hi, @avc
I tried but no luck :frowning: maybe something wrong with button name etc.

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        frm.remove_custom_button('Close', 'Create');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Close', 'Preview');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Close', 'Get Items From');
    }, 10);

Hi @rs115199789:

This is the right way

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        frm.remove_custom_button("Return / Debit Note", 'Create');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Purchase Receipt', 'Create');        
        frm.remove_custom_button('Accounting Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Stock Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('UnReconcile', 'Actions');
    }, 1000);

Hope this helps.

1 Like

I don’t know why but it’s still not working. M i doing something wrong ?
or you want any additional information from me.

Thank You for your time and Patience .

hi @rs115199789 why you want to remove this option this option is only visible to admins i think so if you dont want other user to see this just change their roles…

Hi @rs115199789:

Can you share screenshot from your client script?
Maybe is not enabled?

Hi @avc

Hi @rs115199789
Try this

frappe.ui.form.on(‘Purchase Invoice’, {
refresh(frm) {
frm.remove_custom_button(“Return / Debit Note”, ‘Create’);
frm.remove_custom_button(‘Purchase Receipt’, ‘Create’);
frm.remove_custom_button(‘Accounting Ledger’, ‘View’);
frm.remove_custom_button(‘Stock Ledger’, ‘View’);
frm.remove_custom_button(‘UnReconcile’, ‘Actions’);
frm.removr_custom_buton(‘Payment Request’,‘Create’)

Hi @rs115199789:

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
        console.log("before timer")
        setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("into timer")
        frm.remove_custom_button("Return / Debit Note", 'Create');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Purchase Receipt', 'Create');        
        frm.remove_custom_button('Accounting Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Stock Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('UnReconcile', 'Actions');
    }, 1000);

Check browser console … can you share what is showing?

1 Like

Not working :frowning:

Hi @avc

Sir still same issue, here is the ss

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
    console.log("before timer");
    setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("into timer");
    frm.remove_custom_button("Return / Debit Note", 'Create');
    frm.remove_custom_button('Purchase Receipt', 'Create');        
    frm.remove_custom_button('Accounting Ledger', 'View');
    frm.remove_custom_button('Stock Ledger', 'View');
    frm.remove_custom_button('UnReconcile', 'Actions');
}, 1000);

verify once bcz it working my side

frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Invoice', {
    refresh(frm) {
        frm.remove_custom_button("Return / Debit Note", 'Create');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Purchase Receipt', 'Create');        
        frm.remove_custom_button('Accounting Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('Stock Ledger', 'View');
        frm.remove_custom_button('UnReconcile', 'Actions');
        frm.removr_custom_buton('Payment Request','Create')

1 Like

Hi @rs115199789

Have you other client scripts for Purchase Invoice?

If you are working on slow environment, try to increment the timeout value, try 10000 instead 1000 …

Share all actions avaliable on each button : Create, Preview, Get Items From, Actions

Hi, @avc

Here are the available options

Quality Inspection(s)
Payment Request

Accounting Ledger

Get items from
Accounting Ledger

And yes i do have multiple client scripts for the Purchase invoice doctype.
1 - To hide file ico
2- Adjust and freeze side pane and action button when scroll down
and 2/3 more.

can you submit the invoice and then check again ?

Thank You