How To Hide Print Button With Script from Salse Invoice
with permission role
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Hi @msiam,
Please apply custom/client script.
If use the role set in the condition then will hide some options from the desk.
frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
if (frappe.user_roles.indexOf("Sales User") ==-1) {
Then reload and check it.
Thank You!
Thank you its working fine
when i change the language the code does not work
the “print” translate so the code does not work how could we solve it?
Well, you should probably change to code to accommodate the language change:
frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
refresh(frm) {
if (frappe.user_roles.indexOf("Sales User") ==-1) {
var print_lst=["print","Impression"...] //or any other word that maybe on the button
for (var i = 0; i < print_lst; i++) {
elem = $("button[data-original-title=" + print_lst[i] + "]");
if (elem.length){
i what it to be enable translate just
not static list
maybe try:
elem = $("use[href=#icon-printer]").parent().parent();