How to Hide the Left Side menu inside the List view

Hi All,

I am newbie to ERPNeXT and Helpdesk module. I want to control the side menu inside the List view. But I can’t get any clue / materials regarding this. Please help me on this.


Add client script for that doctype in list. This example will hide side menu in item doctype

frappe.listview_settings['Item'] = { 
        refresh: function(listview) {

Thank ErpnextRaja… It works!!!

You are welcome… Pls mark as Answer… So that it will help others…

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Thank you. Just found this post and applied it in my case and worked nicely !

There is this link to “list-view” that I found that has nice stuff in it , but does not list the above option ?

Are there any other docs that suggests stuff that @ErpnextRaja has suggested ?

Example… based on this I thought. lets have a look at other things one can “hide”.
So I logged onto the backend of my one server and searched for “hide” and found some hide_heading and hide_toolbar entries in the erpnext code. I shall investigate those and perhaps they can also come in handy somewhere.

But still ? Are there not any docs that lists these type of things ?