How to Highlight Few Rows of a Child Table?

I have a use case where I will be having 100 Items in a Child Table, few of the items will be having qty. >0 and few will have qty. = 0. Now, what I want that, I want to highlight those rows which are having qty.>0.

Is there any way to do it?

Ruchin Sharma


$.each(cur_frm.doc[items], function(i, item) {
                        if(item.qty > 0) {
                            $("div[data-fieldname=" + items + "]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
                            $("div[data-fieldname=" + item + "]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
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It’s not working
I have a child table name shipping_list and a field in the child table name qty, but it is not working at all.

Ruchin Sharma

Hi, and you tried to add it to refresh?

$.each(cur_frm.doc.shipping_list], function(i, item) {
          if(item.qty > 0) {
                $("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
                $("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});

Hi @SwitsolAG
Sorry I didn’t understand what you are trying to say:

$.each(cur_frm.doc.shipping_list, function(i, item) {
          if(item.qty > 0) {
                $("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
                $("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});


Here is my code I am using it on a fieldname **one1** 
$.each(cur_frm.doc.shipping_list, function(j,item1)
if(d.product_name=="PV/One Crease" || d.product_name=="PV/One Auto ID" || d.product_name=="PV/One LBS")
 $("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
$("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});

but as I understood you wanted just one if item.qty>0 and in your code I can see others and are you sure that your conditions are working?

Yes, the condition is working fine as it is updating the value in child table.

Do you have any working code, if yes I appreciate if you may share the same with the screenshot.

Ruchin Sharma

Yes, it works in my case

Strange, don’t know why it is not working me.
Any idea, am I doing something wrong?

try to add console.log($(“div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]”).find(format(‘div.grid-row[data-idx=“{0}”]’, [item1.idx]))) and check console

and try to change it to $(“div[data-fieldname=“shipping_list”]”).find(format(‘div.grid-row[data-idx=“{0}”]’, [item1.idx]))

$.each(cur_frm.doc.shipping_list, function(j,item1)
if(d.product_name=="PV/One Crease" || d.product_name=="PV/One Auto ID" || d.product_name=="PV/One LBS")
 $("div[data-fieldname="shipping_list"]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
**console.log($("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])))**
$("div[data-fieldname="shipping_list"]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});

I tried this, it is saying:

ReferenceError: item1 is not defined


sorry but it seems you didn’t add console.log to the correct place you should add it after second condition

Below is my code, nothing happened.

$.each(cur_frm.doc.shipping_list, function(j,item1)
if(d.product_name=="PV/One Crease" || d.product_name=="PV/One Auto ID" || d.product_name=="PV/One LBS")

$("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});
$("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])).find('.grid-static-col').css({'background-color': '#FF0000 !important'});    
console.log($("div[data-fieldname=shipping_list]").find(format('div.grid-row[data-idx="{0}"]', [item1.idx])))


The idx is printed in the console, but the row is not getting coloured!!

I just noticed an error on console:

Expected end of value but found ‘!’. Error in parsing value for ‘background-color’. Declaration dropped. desk

It worked for me after removing !important

Ruchin Sharma

Works now, but why isn’t the entire row highlighted? only first 2 columns and last column is coloured.

My use case is to highlight the row when a checkbox in that row is selected. The mouse click is on that row on check of the checkbox, and 3 columns alone gets highlighted. If I click elsewhere after this, the entire row gets coloured.

Any ideas on how to remove the mouse click upon highlighting?


Hi @SwitsolAG
Is there any way that, we can use it for a particular column and/or a cell.

Ruchin Sharma